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school dog policy

School Dog Policy


Children can benefit educationally and emotionally, increase their understanding of responsibility and develop empathy and nurturing skills through contact with a dog. In addition to these benefits, children take great enjoyment from interaction with a dog.

Dogs are not allowed anywhere on the school site at any time unless specifically authorised by the Head Teacher. This includes drop off and collection times. This policy outlines measures put in place to allow the school dog to be present.

School Policy

The dog will be owned by Mrs Noon

• The Governors have the right to refuse entry to the dog.

• Only the school dog is allowed on the premises. All other dogs must not come on site unless they are a known therapy or assistance dog and the Head Teacher has been informed beforehand.

• The dog is a Border Terrier chosen because it is a calm and biddable breed that is known to be good with children, which sheds little hair and is very sociable and friendly.

• Staff, parents and children will be informed beforehand that a dog will be in school. Parents will be consulted on allowing their pupils access to the dog. A risk assessment will be in place and will be reviewed annually.

• Staff, visitors and children known to have allergic reactions to dogs must not go near the dog. All visitors who will be in the vicinity of the dog on the days when the dog is present, will be informed on arrival that there is a dog in school.

• If the dog is ill he will not be allowed into school.

• The dog will be kept on a lead when moving between classrooms or on a walk and will be under the full control and supervision of a trained adult.

• Children must never be left alone with the dog and there must be appropriate adult supervision at all times.

• Children should be reminded of what is appropriate behaviour around the dog. Children should remain calm around the dog. They should not make sudden movements and must never stare into a dog’s eyes as this could be threatening for the dog. Children should not put their face near a dog and should always approach it standing up.

• Children should never go near or disturb the dog that is sleeping or eating, Stanley has a crate located in Mrs Noon’s room and will be left undisturbed while he chooses to remain in it.

• Children must not be allowed to play roughly with the dog. 

• If the dog is surrounded by a large number of children, the dog could become nervous and agitated. Therefore, the adult in charge of the dog must ensure that s/he monitors the situation.

• Dogs express their feelings through their body language. Growling or bearing of teeth indicate that the dog is feeling angry or threatened. Flattened ears, tail lowered or between their legs, hiding behind their owner, whining or growling are signs that the dog is frightened or nervous. If the dog is displaying any of these warning signs he should be immediately removed from that particular situation or environment.

• Children should not eat close to the dog.

• Children should be careful to stroke Stanley on his body, chest, back and not by his face or top of head.

• Children should always wash their hands after handling a dog.

• Any dog foul should be cleaned immediately and disposed of appropriately.

• Mrs Noon will maintain records and anecdotal evidence of the work and impact of the school dog.

• The office will know the whereabouts of the dog and which staff are supervising at all times.

• The dog will be included in the fire evacuation procedure under the supervision of Mrs Noon


If someone reports having an issue with the dog, this information must be passed to the Head Teacher or the Office Manager as soon as possible. All concerns will be responded to by the Head teacher.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Governing Body has a responsibility to ensure that the school has a written policy for dogs in School. The Head teacher is responsible for implementing this policy. Teachers, staff, pupils, parents and visitors are required to abide by this policy. Children will be supported to learn about dogs and how best to behave around Stanley. This will include highlighting that not all dogs are well trained and that caution must be used around unknown dogs outside school.