At Broke Hall Primary School, we regard the safeguarding of children as our main priority.
In case of a Safeguarding (Child Protection) issue, you will need to contact Mrs D Stanford (Designated Safeguarding Lead) straight away. In her absence, please see Mrs Fairs, Mrs Noon, Mrs Naunton or Mrs Abbott.
Mrs Stanford and any of the alternate DSLs can be contacted within the school day from 8.00am until 4.00pm via the front office on 01473 729544 or
Mrs Stanford can also be contacted directly via email and Mrs Naunton (Family Liaison Officer) directly on 07599 970273 or
We believe that we all have the right to be happy, to be safe and to learn. We all have the responsibility to make this happen.
We will ensure that:
- The welfare of the child remains paramount
- All children whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/ or sexual identity have the right to be protected from harm
- All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately
We have a duty of care to refer to Social Services if there are any concerns regarding safeguarding. In some circumstances this may happen without the consent or knowledge of parents/carers.
All Staff at Broke Hall are trained to government requirements related to safeguarding children, this includes our volunteers. Four designated members of staff and a designated governor have received full training in respect of safeguarding issues.
- Designated Senior Person: Mrs Stanford
- Alternate Designated Persons:Mrs Naunton, Mrs Fairs, Mrs Noon, Mrs Abbott
- The named Safeguarding Governor: Miss E Orchard
- School Online Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Abbott
- Designated Teacher for Children in Care (CiC): Mrs Stanford
We support our children’s use of the internet and seek to underpin their knowledge of safe use and protection. We provide our students with an awareness of how to stay safe online both in the school environment and beyond.
For more information please see the Children's Endeavour Trust Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy or Information Leaflet below. A hard copy can also be requested from the school office.
To speak to a member of staff about a safeguarding issue, please contact the school office on
- Children's Endeavour Trust Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
- Children's Endeavour Trust Child on Child Abuse Policy
- Information leaflet for Parents
The following policies may also be useful and can be found on our policies page:
- Behaviour Policy
- SEND Policy
Guidance and advice for parents and carers can be found on the Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership website.
Online Safety
Guidance, advice and links to other organisations for online safety can be found here on the Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership website.
More useful information and support can be found on our Online Safety pages.
Early help
At Broke Hall School, we understand that from time to time family life can have its complications. There maybe times when you need some extra help and support. To support and advise you at such times we have an Early Help Offer.
Who should I contact if I need help?
The first person to contact is your child's class teacher who will know who is best placed to help you. It may be that they can solve your problem straight away.
If you are concerned that a special educational need may be affecting your child's progress, please contact Mrs Stanford, our SENDCo.
You may also choose to contact Mrs Naunton, our Family Liaison Officer, directly if you are having problems at home in relation to parenting strategies, financial concerns, sleep or anxiety. She will be able to support you and put you in contact with additional services who may be able to support you and your family. Mrs Naunton's contact details can be found on the Family Liaison page.
What can we offer in response to your concerns?
There are a range of ways we can support families. We may arrange informal pastoral meetings, provide telephone support, use behaviour plans and risk assessments to support individual pupils. Depending on the nature of the concern, we can refer to outside agencies for support such as the mental well-being hub and the Early Help Team.
We have a member of staff who is ELSA trained. The Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) programme equips staff with the skills and resources to provide direct individual and small group support to students with social, emotional or mental health difficulties. Mrs Potter runs bespoke interventions to support individual pupils.
For attendance concerns, support through school will be offered and if necessary the Educational Welfare Officer will be brought in for further help.
How will safeguarding procedures be effective in supporting families?
Broke Hall has five Designated Safeguarding Leads. However, all staff are trained to identify and report safeguarding concerns. Where there are concerns raised, the school will follow the school reporting procedures. The team will work with families and all relevant agencies through Child in Need or Child Protection teams to reduce and remove identified risks to children. Support will be given to families by social workers and other relevant agencies including school.
How will the children learn to keep themselves safe?
Curriculum provision, especially through PSHE lessons and additional work from outside agencies including NSPCC and the police, support our children in learning how to keep themselves safe. Child Line posters are displayed in school.
Who might the school refer to for more help?
- The Early Help Team
- Children and Young People's Services
- The In Year Fair Access Panel
- Specialist Education Services (SES)
- Counselling
- Speech and Language Therapist
- Educational Psychologist
- Young Carers
- Educational Welfare Officer
- Citizen's Advice Bureau
- Occupational Therapists
- Food Banks
- Children's Centres
- Suffolk Family Information Services
- Well being Hub
- Childnet Resources/Think U Know
Are you concerned about a child?
Everyone has a part to play in protecting and safeguarding children. For more information, click on the link:
If you need URGENT safeguarding assistance outside of school hours you should contact Customer First on 0808 800 4005