Broke Hall Governors bring many and varied skills to the Governing Body.
Our Governors represent our key stakeholder groups: parents, the local community and staff.
There are two full Governor meetings per term which focus on Learning & Assessment and Leadership & Management. There are a small number of sub-committees and working groups which look at various aspects of school life, ensuring the school is well run and managed, provides the best possible education, and is an enjoyable and safe place to learn and work. These groups usually meet once a term, with other meetings happening as necessary and include:-
- Personnel
- Safeguarding and SEND
- Premises, Health and Safety
The Governors get involved in all aspects of school life, supporting and challenging the school to provide the best possible education all pupils. In addition to attending regular committee meeting, governors will support the school with monitoring tasks such as learning walks and pupil interviews. Our Governors also support the school through attending fundraising events, children's performances, Open Evenings and have even accompanied the children on our residential trips.
Governors can be contacted via the school office.
The Chair and Vice Chair of the Governing Body are:
- Chair - Mr P Kilburn
- Vice Chair - Mr S Spinks
- Safeguarding Governor - Miss E Orchard
- Attendance Governor -Miss E Orchard
Schools and Trusts are duty bound to publish information on:
- The membership of the Local Governing Body
- Meeting Attendance in the last Academic Year
- A Register of Pecuniary Interests of Governor
See Governance Documents.
If you are interested in becoming a governor, please contact the school office.
You can read more about our governors below:
Mr P Kilburn: I am currently chair of Governors and Chair of the Personnel Committee. I have been a governor at Broke Hall for eight years, having been appointed in May 2014. I have previously served as a governor of a primary school in Yorkshire and a secondary school in Essex.
I spent 30 years as a police officer and then worked for Ofsted as a Compliance Manager for some years. I have a special interest in Early Years.
Mr S Spinks:
I joined the Broke Hall Governing Board, as a parent governor, in March 2021 and I have really enjoyed the experience to date.Being able to support the school community, our pupils and our staff is extremely important to me and I look forward to continuing this journey in the future.
I have a background in the Insurance market and do my best to translate the lessons I learn in my day job into meaningful solutions for our school.Observations, monitoring and speaking to parents, staff and pupils are, in my opinion, critical to succeeding as a governor and I welcome and questions or feedback the school community wants to discuss with me.
Mr I Scott: I have been a Governor at Broke Hall since 2008, initially being elected as a parent governor. I have previously served as Chair of Personnel and Chair of Governors. I was a founding Trustee of the Children's Endeavour Trust and have remained a Governor after becoming Chair of Trustees.
I served in the Royal Army Medical Corps as a doctor and as a trainee surgeon in Germany and Northern Ireland. I am a retired Consultant Surgeon and was the first Medical Director of Ipswich Hospital.
Mr A Patmore: I have been a Parent Governor since March 2022. I feel a close affinity with the school since my daughter started almost six years ago. I am a youth support worker and have a passion for there wellbeing of young people. I also have a background in the construction industry and so have an interest in the physical environment of the school.
Mr W Pryke
Mr C Rich: I have been a staff governor at Broke Hall Primary School for over 3 years. I currently work in the school as an assistant headteacher and core curriculum lead, having previously been a phase leader and class teacher. I have been working in schools for over 12 years and recently attained a National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership.
Mr A Skinner
I have been a parent governor since Dec 2022. I have two children at the school and feel that now is the perfect opportunity for me to give back and help the school to continue to nurture and improve on that safe environment whilst striving to prove the best possible platform for our children to grow from.
Mrs G Wright
Miss E Orchard