As Broke Hall Community Primary School is part of a Multi-Academy Trust, the Children’s Endeavour Trust is responsible for establishing the admission criteria and the oversubscription criteria, in line with guidance from the Department of Education’s School Admissions Code. This process is supported by Suffolk County Council. A copy of the school Admission Arrangements document is given below, and this includes details of the schools’ Published Admission Numbers (PAN) and the schools’ oversubscription criteria:
Our Admissions Policy for 2024-25 academic year is available here.
Please note: we have reduced our PAN for September 2025 from 90 to 60. See policy for more information.
In-Year Admissions 2024/25 (EYFS through to Year 6)
If you are looking for a new school place for your child that is outside of the normal admission cohorts, you should apply directly to the school. This is called an ‘In-Year Admission’ and relates to Years 1-6. It also relates to Reception Year from the Spring term onwards. Admissions Arrangements for 2024/25 and an application form can be downloaded below which should be returned to the school by email or post. You will be informed of the outcome of your application by the School.
If your child is due to start in eyfs(reception) in September 2025
Pupil admissions for the Reception Year (traditionally called transition or cohort years) are administered annually by the Local Authority on behalf of the school. You should apply by the closing date of January 15 2025, completing an application form and returning it to Suffolk County Council. Forms are available at Suffolk County Council - apply for a primary school place. You will be informed of the outcome of your application by Suffolk County Council.
High School Applications for the academic year 2025/26
Click on this link for further details of Transition to Secondary School
admission Appeals
If your application to either of the routes above is unsuccessful, you have the right appeal against the decision to refuse your child a school place. Admission appeals are the responsibility of the Children’s Endeavour Trust, and an application for appeal can be made by completing this form . An appeal will give you the opportunity to outline your case for admitting your child to school. You will be informed of the outcome of any appeal by the Children’s Endeavour Trust.
Nursery Admissions
We now have a separate page for our school Nursery - Please click here.
Early Years Foundation Stage
Head over to our Nursery and Reception pupil pages to find out more about what is currently happening in our Early Years classes.
Click the link below to view more information about the Early Years curriculum: