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Risk Assessment



Risk category 1-5

Likelihood 1-5

Control in Place

Dog getting over excited when interacting with children.

Child scratched by dog



  • Stanley will always be in the care of a responsible adult who will have received handling training.
  • Children are not left with the dog unsupervised
  • Stanley will always be on a lead when he is out of his pen/ Mrs Noon’s office.
  • Pupils have been, and continue to be, taught the impact of their actions. Education of this nature is continually given to children who will be coming into contact with him and will also be covered during assemblies, class time and PSHE lessons.
  • Pupils will be taught what to do to prevent over stimulating or upsetting the dog and how to remain calm around him.
  • Pupils and adults will be reminded not to touch Stanley’s mouth, head and rear end and to stand , turn and say “Paws Off” if he attempts to jump up.
  • ALL staff given permission to handle Stanley will be given strict instructions to follow and appropriate training. 
  • Stanley will attend the vets’ regularly to make sure he is in good health.

Child bitten by dog



The dog gets loose from his pen or from his lead.

Child scratched, or bitten by dog



  • The dog’s pen in Mrs Noon’s office can be used to keep Stanley safe and he will also roam free in her office when she is there alone.
  • Staff will be alerted with signage and pupils only allowed in with supervision.
  • Children and staff are taught not to tease him or taunt through the window.
  • If Stanley does get loose Mrs Noon will be called for in the first instance, if she is not available Mr Ilott will be called on for support to put Stanley back on his lead and in Mrs Noon’s’s office or his crate. There are four members of staff who will be called upon in the event of the dog getting loose or if he needs attention at any other time, they are: 1. Mrs Noon. 2. Mrs Fairs 3. Mr Ilott 4. Mrs Gale
  • Stanley will always be on his lead when out of Mrs Noon’s office.


Dog hair causing allergies

Children have allergic reactions



  • Parents will be asked to inform the school of any known allergies prior to introduction of the dog to school.
  • Children will have the opportunity to interact with Stanley as they wish and those with allergies would be able to opt out of interaction.
  • Children will be taught to wash their hands after active participation with Stanley.

Children getting germs from the dog.

Children/staff will contract diseases that can be carried by dogs



  • Should the dog defecate on the school site a member of staff will clear this up immediately and dispose of it in a safe manner.
  • All immunisations are kept up to date.
  • Flea treatment is carried out at monthly intervals. Worming treatment is carried out at 3 monthly intervals.
  • The dog will not go in the school dining hall at meal times; he will not be permitted into the food preparation area of the kitchen.

Claim is made against school re: behaviour of the dog.

School not adequately covered financially



  • The school has public liability insurance.
  • Mrs Noon has insurance that covers Stanley outside of school.