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It is sometimes said that art is the way we decorate space, but music is the way we decorate time.  By creating, exploring, performing and enjoying music, we engage in a uniquely human experience which has the power to enhance or change mood, to tell stories and express ourselves.  At Broke Hall we seek to expose every child to a broad spectrum of music to evaluate and enjoy.  Whole class ensemble teaching allows children to experience learning new skills as a collective, which is an excellent way to promote positive learning behaviours such as resilience and reflectiveness. 

Intent Statement

Through playing, singing, creating and performing, children will develop confidence, communication, thinking and creative skills and improve their emotional well-being.  The different cultures within the school will be celebrated as the children learn songs in different languages. It is our vision that every child adopts an understanding and love of music which they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.

We do this by:

  • Exploring how sounds are made and can be organised into musical structures.
  • Showing how music is produced by a variety of instruments.
  • Teaching how music is composed and written down.
  • Developing the interrelated skills of composition, performance and appreciation.